Hi - the doldrums of winter are close to expiring. We are at the end of the months that end in “ber” and “ary,” which means spring is around the corner.
I’d like to update a couple of items:
I’ve decided (for now) to pursue writing a fourth book. I kind of like where I am with a rough draft, but I will wait and see after a couple of beta readers read it. The story is a murder mystery that takes place in rural Iowa in 1985. It’s not a sequel to Where the Corn Grows Tallest. I’m looking at a year and a half out before it is published - and that’s a guess!
With my minister’s input, I’m also writing a short story about a fictionalized meeting between Jesus and a Roman General in 32 CE. It’s in process with no finishing date set yet.
This March, I'll be 73 years old, so there’s no time like the present to write stories. I hope you are all doing well and we will “see” you at the next blog post.
Take care!